It feels like it was just yesterday, when I was in college studying for my bone test. The dreaded bone test was something I miraculously aced. Notice I am completely cocky about this fact. It is not an easy test. I studied my ass off for this test. I drew for weeks prior to the test. I drew the joints; the knees, the collar, the shoulders, the elbows. Over and over and over again, I would draw and dissect the pelvis. If I remember correctly, the night before the bone test I had the most vivid and horrifying dream about being attacked by pelvises. Imagine Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. Only in my dream, the birds where flying bat-like pelvises. It was obvious that I was stressed, but I think in some sick way, my brain was helping me out. While I was sleeping, I was still envisioning pelvises rotating from every angle, coming towards me. I'm sure the adrenaline had lots to do with the retention. I rarely remember where my car keys are on a daily basis. But, that morning, I stormed the bone test and got myself a glorious A.